Tuscany …

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Have been traveling here over Eastern also to find some nice spots for October  – when the early morning fog creates these magical scenes.  Its a region that was cultivated long ago and it breathes the culture of the old romans and the etruscans. Difficult not to be impressed here. The landscape is full of nice and explicit elements that you can freely move – thanks to all these empty spaces: perspectives change constantly – its not without reason that there are so many photo-workshops in this region of Italy. If you add the great wine culture here (Chianti Classico and Brunello de Montalchino) and various possibilities to enjoy the eve with great meals – its just the perfect place to relax and look for new inspiration. In March/April this year it was mainly too cold to get these strong misty early morning shots, but enough to look for some of the classical perspectives and for some more that are not everywhere written down. The area must be one of the most photographed regions in the world and its hard to do anything that differentiates from what is in all these books and guides. It is however a great training for picture composition because you can move comparably free in this landscape. To circum-navigate a hill with an old country house to look for the perfect perspective is easy. In southern Tuscany there is not too much forest and this clearly simplifies everything.


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